图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: IQS229 DFN IQS229 DFN Azoteq 传感器,变送器 电容触摸传感器 capacitive touch sensors sar sensor for tablets/mobilephones
Image: CL204 CL204 Extech 测试和测量 环境检测设备 environmental test equipment extab tablets 100 S
Image: LP8557 LP8557 Texas Instruments 半导体 high-efficiency led backlight driver for tablets 16-dsbga -40 to 85
Image: TPS65132 TPS65132 Texas Instruments 半导体 dual output lcd bias for smartphones and tablets 15-dsbga -40 to 150
Image: VL53L0X VL53L0X ETC 传感器,变送器 光学传感器 - 测距 user detection for personal computers/ laptops/tablets and iot (energy saving).
Image: ICE40UL640-CM36AI ICE40UL640-CM36AI Lattice Semiconductor Corporation 集成电路 嵌入式 - FPGA(现场可编程门阵列) y. It is designed for ultra-low power mobile applications, such as smartphones, tablets and hand-held devices.
Image: ICE5LP4K-CM36ITR50 ICE5LP4K-CM36ITR50 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation 集成电路 嵌入式 - FPGA(现场可编程门阵列) ice40 ultra family is an ultra-low power fpga and sensor manager designed for ultra-low power mobile applications, such as smartphones, tablets and hand-held devices.
Image: LP8556TMX-E11/NOPB LP8556TMX-E11/NOPB Texas Instruments lp8556 high-efficiency led backlight driver for tablets datasheet (rev. J)
Image: LP8556TME-E11/NOPB LP8556TME-E11/NOPB Texas Instruments lp8556 high-efficiency led backlight driver for tablets datasheet (rev. J)