图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: LMR70503 LMR70503 Texas Instruments 半导体 simple switcher? -5.5vout, 0.3A negative bias voltage regulator in dsbga 8-dsbga
Image: LP3984 LP3984 Texas Instruments 半导体 micropower, 150ma ultra low-dropout cmos voltage regulator in subminiature 4-I/O micro dsbga 4-dsbga -40 to 125
Image:          TMP468 TMP468 Texas Instruments 传感器,变送器 温度传感器 8 通道 远程二极管温度传感器精度:±0.75°C(最大值) 本地和远程二极管精度:±0.75°C(最大值) 适用于 dsbga 封装的本地温度传感器精度:±0.35°C(最大值) 温度分辨率:0.0625°C 电源和逻辑电压范围:1.7V 至 3.6V 67µA 工作电流(1sps,所有通道激活) 0.3µA 关断电流 远程二极管:串联电阻抵消、 η 因子校正、偏移校正和二极管故障检测 寄存器锁定功能可保护关键寄存器 兼容 i2csmbus™的双线制接口,支持引脚可编程地址 16 凸点 dsbga 和 16 引脚 vqfn 封装
Image: LMH2100TM/NOPB LMH2100TM/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 射频半导体 RF detector 50 mhz to 4 ghz 40 dB logarithmic power detector for cdma and Wcdma 6-dsbga -40 to 85
Image: LMV225UR/NOPB LMV225UR/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 射频半导体 RF detector RF power detector for cdma and Wcdma in micro smd 4-dsbga
Image: LMV228UR/NOPB LMV228UR/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 射频半导体 RF detector RF power detector for cdma and Wcdma in micro smd 4-dsbga
Image: LMV228TL/NOPB LMV228TL/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 射频半导体 RF detector RF power detector for cdma and Wcdma in micro smd 4-dsbga -40 to 85
Image: LMH2100TMX/NOPB LMH2100TMX/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 射频半导体 RF detector 50 mhz to 4 ghz 40 dB logarithmic power detector for cdma and Wcdma 6-dsbga -40 to 85
Image: LMH2110TMX/NOPB LMH2110TMX/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 射频半导体 RF detector 8 ghz logarithmic rms power detector with 45 dB dynamic range 6-dsbga -40 to 85
Image: LMV225TLX/NOPB LMV225TLX/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 射频半导体 RF detector RF power detector for cdma and Wcdma in micro smd 4-dsbga -40 to 85
Image: LMV225URX/NOPB LMV225URX/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 射频半导体 RF detector RF power detector for cdma and Wcdma in micro smd 4-dsbga
Image: LMV226TLX/NOPB LMV226TLX/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 射频半导体 RF detector RF power detectors for cdma and Wcdma in micro smd 4-dsbga -40 to 85
Image: LMV228TLX/NOPB LMV228TLX/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 射频半导体 RF detector RF power detector for cdma and Wcdma in micro smd 4-dsbga -40 to 85
Image: LMV228URX/NOPB LMV228URX/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 射频半导体 RF detector RF power detector for cdma and Wcdma in micro smd 4-dsbga
Image: LMV1091TMX/NOPB LMV1091TMX/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC audio amplifiers dual input, far field noise suppression microphone amplifier 25-dsbga -40 to 85
Image: LM2903ITLX/NOPB LM2903ITLX/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC comparator ics low power low offset voltage dual comparator 8-dsbga -40 to 85
Image: LMC8101TPX/NOPB LMC8101TPX/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC operational amplifiers - Op amps rail-to-rail input and output, 2.7V Op amp in micro smd package with shutdown 8-dsbga -40 to 85
Image: LMV981TLX/NOPB LMV981TLX/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC operational amplifiers - Op amps single 1.8V, rrio operational amplifiers with shutdown 6-dsbga -40 to 125
Image: LMC6035ITLX/NOPB LMC6035ITLX/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC operational amplifiers - Op amps low power 2.7V single supply cmos operational amplifiers 8-dsbga -40 to 85
Image: LM3559TLX/NOPB LM3559TLX/NOPB Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC led lighting drivers synchronous boost flash driver with dual 900 mA high side current sources (1.8A total flash current 16-dsbga -40 to 85