图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: GTL2008 GTL2008 Philips Semiconductors 12-bit gtl to lvttl translator with power good control and high-impedance lvttl and gtl outputs
Image: GTL2008PW GTL2008PW Philips Semiconductors 12-bit gtl to lvttl translator with power good control and high-impedance lvttl and gtl outputs
Image: GTL2107 GTL2107 Philips Semiconductors 12-bit gtl to lvttl translator with power good control and high-impedance lvttl and gtl outputs
Image: GTL2107PW GTL2107PW Philips Semiconductors 12-bit gtl to lvttl translator with power good control and high-impedance lvttl and gtl outputs
Image: SY100EPT28L SY100EPT28L Micrel Inc 半导体 3V lvttl-TO-differential lvpecl and differential lvpecl-TO-lvttl translator
Image: SY100EPT28LKGTR SY100EPT28LKGTR Micrel Inc 3V lvttl-TO-differential lvpecl and differential lvpecl-TO-lvttl translator
Image: SY100EPT28LZGTR SY100EPT28LZGTR Micrel Inc 3V lvttl-TO-differential lvpecl and differential lvpecl-TO-lvttl translator
Image: SY10EPT28L SY10EPT28L Micrel Inc 半导体 3V lvttl-TO-differential lvpecl and differential lvpecl-TO-lvttl translator
Image: SY10EPT28LKGTR SY10EPT28LKGTR Micrel Inc 3V lvttl-TO-differential lvpecl and differential lvpecl-TO-lvttl translator
Image: SY10EPT28LZGTR SY10EPT28LZGTR Micrel Inc 3V lvttl-TO-differential lvpecl and differential lvpecl-TO-lvttl translator
Image:     NL27WZ08 NL27WZ08 ON Semiconductor 半导体 逻辑 极高速度:vcc=5 V时tpd 2.5 ns(典型值) 设计用于1.65 V至5.5 V vcc操作 过电压容限输入 LVttl兼容–接口能力为5 V ttl逻辑,vcc=3 V lvcmos兼容 24 mA平衡输出接收器和源容量 接近零的静态电源电流大大降低了系统功率需求 更换nc7wz08 芯片复杂度:fet=124极高速度:vcc=5 V时tpd 2.5 ns(典型值) 设计用于1.65 V至5.5 V vcc操作 过电压容限输入 LVttl兼容–接口能力为5 V ttl逻辑,vcc=3 V lvcmos兼容 24 mA平衡输出接收器和源容量 接近零的静态电源电流大大降低了系统功率需求 更换nc7wz08 芯片复杂度:fet=124
Image: SN74GTL2014PWR SN74GTL2014PWR Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC translation - voltage levels 4-bits lvttl to gtl transceiver
Image: MC100EPT25DTG MC100EPT25DTG ON Semiconductor 半导体 集成电路 - IC translation - voltage levels diff LVecl/ecl to lvttl
Image: SN74GTLPH16912GR SN74GTLPH16912GR Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC translation - voltage levels 18-bit lvttl-to-gtlp univ bus transceiver
Image: 8402AYLF 8402AYLF IDT 半导体 集成电路 - IC clock synthesizer / jitter cleaner xtal to lvcmos/lvttl freq. synthesizer
Image: GTL2000DGG,112 GTL2000DGG,112 NXP Semiconductors 半导体 集成电路 - IC translation - voltage levels gtl-tvc lvttl 250 ps
Image: PCA9508DP,118 PCA9508DP,118 NXP Semiconductors 半导体 集成电路 - IC interface - signal buffers, repeaters hotswap lvttl
Image: SN74GTL2107PWR SN74GTL2107PWR Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC translation - voltage levels 13b gtl To lvttl translator
Image: MC100LVELT22DR2G MC100LVELT22DR2G ON Semiconductor 半导体 集成电路 - IC translation - voltage levels 3.3V dual lvttl/ lvcmos to lvpecl
Image: SY100EPT21LKG TR SY100EPT21LKG TR Micrel Inc 半导体 集成电路 - IC translation - voltage levels 3.3V differential lvpecl-to-lvttl translator (I temp, green)