图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: HV9982 HV9982 Supertex 光电子 led 驱动器 3-channel led high accuracy
Image: M7029 M7029 Megger 测试和测量 万用表与电压表 数字万用表 dual display multime 0.2% accuracy
Image: M7027 M7027 Megger 测试和测量 万用表与电压表 数字万用表 dual display multime 0.3% accuracy
Image: MM560 MM560 Extech 测试和测量 数字万用表 multimaster dmm .03% accuracy trms
Image: ADP3301AR-32 ADP3301AR-32 Analog Devices Inc high accuracy anycap? 100 mA low dropout linear regulator
Image: ADP3303AR-5 ADP3303AR-5 Analog Devices Inc high accuracy anycap? 200 mA low dropout linear regulator
Image: ADP3309 ADP3309 Analog Devices Inc 半导体 high accuracy anycap? 200 mA low dropout linear regulator
Image: EL2005G EL2005G Maxim Integrated high accuracy fast buffer
Image: MMA6701AEGR2 MMA6701AEGR2 Freescale Semiconductor high accuracy low g inertial sensor mems sensing, state machine asic
Image: AD5570WRS-REEL AD5570WRS-REEL Analog Devices Inc true accuracy, 16-bit 12 V/15 V, serial input voltage output dac
Image: ADXL105AQC ADXL105AQC Analog Devices Inc high accuracy 61 g to 65 g single axis imems accelerometer with analog input
Image: ADXL105JQC ADXL105JQC Analog Devices Inc high accuracy 61 g to 65 g single axis imems accelerometer with analog input
Image: AD522_02 AD522_02 Analog Devices Inc high accuracy data acquisition instrumentation amplifier
Image: AD522SD AD522SD Analog Devices Inc 半导体 high accuracy data acquisition instrumentation amplifier
Image: AD522B AD522B Analog Devices Inc 半导体 high accuracy data acquisition instrumentation amplifier
Image: AD5570WRS-REEL7 AD5570WRS-REEL7 Analog Devices Inc true accuracy, 16-bit 12 V/15 V, serial input voltage output dac
Image: ADP3300 ADP3300 Analog Devices Inc 集成电路 high accuracy anycap 50 mA low dropout linear regulator
Image: ADP3300ART-27 ADP3300ART-27 Analog Devices Inc high accuracy anycap 50 mA low dropout linear regulator
Image: ADP3300ART-32 ADP3300ART-32 Analog Devices Inc high accuracy anycap 50 mA low dropout linear regulator
Image: ADP3300ART-33 ADP3300ART-33 Analog Devices Inc high accuracy anycap 50 mA low dropout linear regulator