图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: HIH-4000-003 HIH-4000-003 Honeywell 传感器,变送器 环境传感器 board mount humidity sensors sensing accuracy3.5% lead pitch sip
Image: LTC2644 LTC2644 Linear Technology 集成电路 数据采集 - 数模转换器 the ltc®2644 is a family of dual 12-, 10-, and 8-bit pwmto-voltage output dacs with an integrated high accuracylow drift, 10ppm/°C reference in a 12-lead msop package
Image: RL0503-5820-97-MS RL0503-5820-97-MS Amphenol Advanced Sensors 电路保护 热敏电阻器 thermistors - ntc temp sensor 1 deg accuracy
Image: RL0503-1248-73-MS RL0503-1248-73-MS Amphenol Advanced Sensors 电路保护 热敏电阻器 thermistors - ntc temp sensor 1 deg accuracy
Image: RL0503-27.53K-120-MS RL0503-27.53K-120-MS Amphenol Advanced Sensors 电路保护 热敏电阻器 thermistors - ntc temp sensor 1 deg accuracy
Image: RL0503-2890-95-MS RL0503-2890-95-MS Amphenol Advanced Sensors 电路保护 热敏电阻器 thermistors - ntc temp sensor 1 deg accuracy
Image: RL0503-55.36K-122-MS RL0503-55.36K-122-MS Amphenol Advanced Sensors 电路保护 热敏电阻器 thermistors - ntc temp sensor 1 deg accuracy
Image: RL0503-17.56K-96-MS RL0503-17.56K-96-MS Amphenol Advanced Sensors 电路保护 热敏电阻器 thermistors - ntc temp sensor 1 deg accuracy
Image: LMV824AIYDT LMV824AIYDT STMicroelectronics 半导体 集成电路 - IC operational amplifiers - Op amps LP high accuracy Op amp 400ua 5V 50na
Image: LMV824IYDT LMV824IYDT STMicroelectronics 半导体 集成电路 - IC operational amplifiers - Op amps LP high accuracy Op amp 400ua 5V 50na
Image: TSV712IQ2T TSV712IQ2T STMicroelectronics 半导体 集成电路 - IC precision amplifiers high accuracy micropwr cmos Op amp
Image: TSV714IPT TSV714IPT STMicroelectronics 半导体 集成电路 - IC precision amplifiers high accuracy micropwr cmos Op amp
Image: TSZ122IQ2T TSZ122IQ2T STMicroelectronics 半导体 集成电路 - IC precision amplifiers very high accuracy 0 drift micropowr 5V
Image: TSV714IQ4T TSV714IQ4T STMicroelectronics 半导体 集成电路 - IC precision amplifiers high accuracy micropwr cmos Op amp
Image: INA101CM INA101CM Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC instrumentation amplifiers very high accuracy instrumentation amp
Image: LM4041CYM3-1.2 TR LM4041CYM3-1.2 TR Micrel Inc 半导体 集成电路 - IC voltage references shunt votlage reference, 1.225v, 0.5% accuracy, 100ppm/deg - lead free
Image: LM4040CYM3-2.5 TR LM4040CYM3-2.5 TR Micrel Inc 半导体 集成电路 - IC voltage references shunt voltage reference, 2.5V, 0.5% accuracy, 100ppm/deg (lead free)
Image: LM4040D82IDBZR LM4040D82IDBZR Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC voltage references 8.192-V prec M-P shunt 1% accuracy
Image: INA101AG INA101AG Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC instrumentation amplifiers very high accuracy instrumentation amp
Image: INA110SG INA110SG Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC instrumentation amplifiers fast-settling fet-In very high accuracy