图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: 2315272 2315272 Phoenix Contact 连接器 接线端子板 terminal block interface modules vip-2/SC/pdm-2/32 2in 16out power dist
Image: B7AM-6BS B7AM-6BS Omron Automation and Safety 机电产品 I/O 模块 I/O modules 16in/16out
Image: C200H-B7A21 C200H-B7A21 Omron Automation and Safety 机电产品 继电器 safety relays b7a mod 32pt MI X(16in/16out)
Image: SRT2-MD32ML-1 SRT2-MD32ML-1 Omron Automation and Safety 机电产品 工业自动化 din rail terminal blocks mixed 16in 16out rib bon conpnp
Image: CP1E-E40DR-A CP1E-E40DR-A Omron Automation and Safety 机电产品 工业自动化 controllers 24in,16out AC PS
Image: CP1E-N40DR-A CP1E-N40DR-A Omron Automation and Safety 机电产品 工业自动化 controllers 16out AC PS rs232 24 In
Image: SRT2-MD32ML SRT2-MD32ML Omron Automation and Safety 机电产品 工业自动化 din rail terminal blocks mixed 16in 16out rib bon connpn
Image: DRT2-MD32B-1 DRT2-MD32B-1 Omron Automation and Safety 机电产品 工业自动化 controllers 16in 16out mil conn pnp
Image: DRT2-MD32BV-1 DRT2-MD32BV-1 Omron Automation and Safety 机电产品 工业自动化 controllers 16in 16out vert mil conn pnp
Image: DRT2-MD32B DRT2-MD32B Omron Automation and Safety 机电产品 工业自动化 controllers 16in 16out hori z mil conn npn
Image: DRT2-MD32BV DRT2-MD32BV Omron Automation and Safety 机电产品 工业自动化 controllers 16in 16out vert mil conn npn
Image: 20-101-0439 20-101-0439 Rabbit Semiconductor 嵌入式解决方案 计算 system-On-modules - som sr9215 src 8in 16out
Image: GX-MD3228 GX-MD3228 Omron Automation and Safety 嵌入式解决方案 以太网和通信模块 ethernet modules 16out pnp econ ecat 16in
Image: GX-MD3218 GX-MD3218 Omron Automation and Safety 嵌入式解决方案 以太网和通信模块 ethernet modules 16out npn econ ecat 16in
Image: 20-101-0214 20-101-0214 Rabbit Semiconductor 其它 mod ctlr progr bl1700 16in 16out
Image: 20-101-0215 20-101-0215 Rabbit Semiconductor 其它 mod ctlr progr bl1710 16in 16out
Image: 20-101-0216 20-101-0216 Rabbit Semiconductor 其它 mod ctlr progr bl1720 16in 16out
Image: 20-101-0217 20-101-0217 Rabbit Semiconductor 其它 mod ctlr progr bl1730 16in 16out
Image: CRT1-VMD32ML-1 CRT1-VMD32ML-1 Omron Automation and Safety 测试和测量 控制器 - 可编程配件 16in/16out; pnp: mil connector
Image: CRT1-VMD32ML CRT1-VMD32ML Omron Automation and Safety 测试和测量 控制器 - 可编程配件 16in/16out; npn: mil connector