图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: 1404320 1404320 Phoenix Contact 连接器 模块式连接器/以太网连接器 modular connectors / ethernet connectors VS-TO-RO-mcbk- F1417/1417
Image: 571SHA000115DG 571SHA000115DG Silicon Laboratories Inc 无源元器件 频率控制器和定时装置 vcxo oscillators si571 vcxo 2.5V lvds 10-1417.5mhz (ncnr)
Image: TRAB14173 TRAB14173 Laird Technologies IAS 无源元器件 RF 天线 ant PHantOM SB 1417-1667mhz BK
Image: 1417G4A 1417G4A Agere Systems netlight 1417g4a and 1417h4a atm/sonet/sdh transceivers
Image: 1417G5 1417G5 Agere Systems netlight 1417g5 and 1417h5-type atm/sonet/sdh transceivers with clock recovery
Image: 1417G5A 1417G5A Agere Systems netlight 1417g5 and 1417h5-type atm/sonet/sdh transceivers with clock recovery
Image: 1417H4A 1417H4A Agere Systems netlight 1417g4a and 1417h4a atm/sonet/sdh transceivers
Image: 1417H5A 1417H5A Agere Systems netlight 1417g5 and 1417h5-type atm/sonet/sdh transceivers with clock recovery
Image: SBC1417B SBC1417B Bomar Interconnect 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors bnc crimp plug for belden 1417b
Image: SBC1417B SBC1417B Bomar Interconnect/ Winchester Electronics 连接器 同轴连接器 (RF) bnc crimp plug for belden 1417b
Image: 1417K4A 1417K4A Agere Systems netlight 1417k4a 1300 nm laser 2.5 gbits/s transceiver
Image: 1417K5A 1417K5A Agere Systems netlight 1417k5a 2.5 gbits/s 1300 nm laser transceiver with clock and data recovery
Image: 1417K6S 1417K6S Agere Systems netlight 1417k6s 2.5 gbits/s 1300 nm laser transceiver