图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: SP3R1224MC SP3R1224MC Systemsensor advanced ideas. selectable output wall speaker/strobes
Image: SS12 SS12 Systemsensor advanced ideas. signaling strobes
Image: SS1215ADA SS1215ADA Systemsensor advanced ideas. signaling strobes
Image: SS24LO SS24LO Systemsensor advanced ideas. multi-alert & mini-alert sounders and strobes
Image: S1224MC S1224MC Gamewell-FCI by Honeywell selectable output strobes and horns
Image: SP2C2415 SP2C2415 Systemsensor advanced ideas. ceiling mount speaker strobes
Image: SP2C241575 SP2C241575 Systemsensor advanced ideas. ceiling mount speaker strobes
Image: SP2C2430 SP2C2430 Systemsensor advanced ideas. ceiling mount speaker strobes
Image: SP2C2475 SP2C2475 Systemsensor advanced ideas. ceiling mount speaker strobes
Image: SP2R1224MCK SP2R1224MCK Systemsensor advanced ideas. selectable output outdoor wall speaker/strobes
Image: SP2R2415 SP2R2415 Systemsensor advanced ideas. wall speaker strobes
Image: SP2R241575 SP2R241575 Systemsensor advanced ideas. wall speaker strobes
Image: SP2R2430 SP2R2430 Systemsensor advanced ideas. wall speaker strobes
Image: SP2R2475 SP2R2475 Systemsensor advanced ideas. wall speaker strobes
Image: 71606 71606 Gamewell-FCI by Honeywell series ET low profile speaker strobes
Image: 71607 71607 Gamewell-FCI by Honeywell series ET low profile speaker strobes
Image: 71745 71745 Gamewell-FCI by Honeywell speaker/strobes
Image: 71761 71761 Gamewell-FCI by Honeywell series CH chime strobes
Image: 72041 72041 Gamewell-FCI by Honeywell series CH chime strobes
Image: 72042 72042 Gamewell-FCI by Honeywell series CH chime strobes