图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: LTC1588 LTC1588 Linear Technology 集成电路 12-/14-/16-bit softspan dacs with programmable output range
Image: LTC2751CUHF-12-PBF LTC2751CUHF-12-PBF Linear Technology current output 12-/14-/16-bit softspantm dacs with parallel I/O
Image: LTC2751CUHF-14-PBF LTC2751CUHF-14-PBF Linear Technology current output 12-/14-/16-bit softspantm dacs with parallel I/O
Image: LTC2751IUHF-12-PBF LTC2751IUHF-12-PBF Linear Technology current output 12-/14-/16-bit softspantm dacs with parallel I/O
Image: LTC2755 LTC2755 Linear Technology 集成电路 quad current output 12-/14-/16-bit softspan dacs with parallel I/O
Image: LTC2755CUP-12-PBF LTC2755CUP-12-PBF Linear Technology quad current output 12-/14-/16-bit softspan dacs with parallel I/O
Image: LTC2755CUP-14-PBF LTC2755CUP-14-PBF Linear Technology quad current output 12-/14-/16-bit softspan dacs with parallel I/O
Image: LTC2755IUP-12-PBF LTC2755IUP-12-PBF Linear Technology quad current output 12-/14-/16-bit softspan dacs with parallel I/O
Image: SKKQ3000 SKKQ3000 Semikron International antiparallel thyristors for softstart
Image: SKKQ3000_07 SKKQ3000_07 Semikron International antiparallel thyristors for softstart
Image: LT1236A-10 LT1236A-10 Linear Technology dual current output 12-/14-/16-bit softspan dacs with parallel I/O
Image: LT1460A-5 LT1460A-5 Linear Technology dual current output 12-/14-/16-bit softspan dacs with parallel I/O
Image: LT1460A-10 LT1460A-10 Linear Technology dual current output 12-/14-/16-bit softspan dacs with parallel I/O
Image: MBRS3201 MBRS3201 EIC discrete Semiconductors schottky fast SOFTrecovery recovery power rectifier
Image: LT1790A-2.5 LT1790A-2.5 Linear Technology dual current output 12-/14-/16-bit softspan dacs with parallel I/O
Image: FAN5646 FAN5646 Fairchild Semiconductor 半导体 programmable indicator a€?softa€? led blinker with Tinywire? single-wire interface
Image: U631H64 U631H64 ETC softstore 8K x 8 nvsram
Image: U631H16BS1K25 U631H16BS1K25 ETC softstore 2K X 8 nvsram
Image: U631H16BS1K35 U631H16BS1K35 ETC softstore 2K X 8 nvsram
Image: U631H16BS1K45 U631H16BS1K45 ETC softstore 2K X 8 nvsram