图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: FLIR E40bx FLIR E40bx FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers bldgther imag IR cam 160x120 res/60hz
Image: FLIR B40 FLIR B40 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers bldgther imag IR cam 120x120 res/9hz
Image: FLIR E50bx FLIR E50bx FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers bldgther imag IR cam 240x180 res/60hz
Image: FLIR B60 FLIR B60 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers bldgther imag IR cam 160x160 res/9hz
Image: FLIR B50 FLIR B50 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers bldgther imag IR cam 140x140 res/9hz
Image: FLIR E60bx FLIR E60bx FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers bldgther imag IR cam 320x240 res/60hz
Image: FLIR T200 FLIR T200 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers ther imag IR camera 200x150 res/9hz
Image: FLIR T360 FLIR T360 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers ther imag IR cam-4X 320x240 res/30hz
Image: FLIR T400 FLIR T400 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers ther imag IR cam-8X 320x240 res/30hz
Image: FLIR T620 FLIR T620 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers ther imag IR camera 640x480 res/30hz
Image: FLIR One Pro micro-USB FLIR One Pro micro-U... FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 flir msx® embosses visible edges from the 1440 x 1080 HD camera onto thermal imagery to create a sharper, easier to understand picture
Image: RL0512P RL0512P PerkinElmer Optoelectronics P-series linear photodiode array imagers
Image: RL0512PAQ-712 RL0512PAQ-712 PerkinElmer Optoelectronics P-series linear photodiode array imagers
Image: RL0512PAG-712 RL0512PAG-712 PerkinElmer Optoelectronics P-series linear photodiode array imagers
Image: RL2048PAG-712 RL2048PAG-712 PerkinElmer Optoelectronics P-series linear photodiode array imagers
Image: RL2048PAQ-712 RL2048PAQ-712 PerkinElmer Optoelectronics P-series linear photodiode array imagers
Image: RL2048P RL2048P PerkinElmer Optoelectronics P-series linear photodiode array imagers
Image: TL1591CP TL1591CP Texas Instruments 半导体 视频成像 sample-and-hold circuit for ccd imagers 8-pdip
Image: TL1591CPSLE TL1591CPSLE Texas Instruments 半导体 视频成像 sample-and-hold circuit for ccd imagers 8-SO