图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: TI55FT-10/20/54 TI55FT-10/20/54 Fluke Electronics 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers IR flexcam thermal imager W/IR fusion
Image: FLK-TIR3/FT-10/20 FLK-TIR3/FT-10/20 Fluke Electronics 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers flxcam therm imager fusion,10.5/20mm
Image: FLK-TI50FT-20 FLK-TI50FT-20 Fluke Electronics 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers flexcam therm imager 320,fusion,20mm
Image: FLK-TI55FT-20/54 FLK-TI55FT-20/54 Fluke Electronics 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers flexcam therm imager 320,fusn,20/54mm
Image: FLK-TI55FT-10/20 FLK-TI55FT-10/20 Fluke Electronics 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers flxcm therm imager 320,D F/W,10.5/20mm
Image: FLK-TI55FT-20 FLK-TI55FT-20 Fluke Electronics 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers flxcam therm imager 320,dlx F/W,20mm
Image: FLK-TIR4/FT-10/20 FLK-TIR4/FT-10/20 Fluke Electronics 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers flxcam therm imager fusn,10.5/20mm
Image: FLK-TI32 60HZ FLK-TI32 60HZ Fluke Electronics 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers thermal imager IR fusion,3.6" clr lcd
Image: FLIR e50 FLIR e50 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers ther image IR camera 240x180 resol/60hz
Image: FLIR e40 FLIR e40 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers ther image IR camera 160x120 resol/60hz
Image: FLIRT440 FLIRT440 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers thermal image camera 320x240 res/60hz
Image: FLIRT420 FLIRT420 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers thermal image camera 320x240 res/60hz
Image: FLIR i5 FLIR i5 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers ther image IR camera 80x80 resolution/9hz
Image: FLIR i3 FLIR i3 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers ther image IR camera 60x60 resolution/9hz
Image: FLIR i7 FLIR i7 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers ther image IR camera 140x140 resol/9 Hz
Image: FLIR e60 FLIR e60 FLIR Systems 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers ther image IR camera 320x240 resol/60hz
Image: FLK-TI55FT10/20/54 FLK-TI55FT10/20/54 Fluke Electronics 测试和测量 热成像器 thermal imagers IR flx therm image 320,D F/W,10.5/20/54
Image: EKL3104 EKL3104 Panasonic Electric Works 传感器,变送器 图像传感器,相机 D-imageR 3D image sensor
Image: TC5747 TC5747 ETC single chip cmos imager with integrated image signal processor and jpeg codec
Image: MAX4718 MAX4718 Maxim Integrated 4.5<img src=http://dbserv.maxim-ic.com/images/ohm.gif width=12 height=9/20<img src=http://dbserv.maxim-ic.com/images/ohm.gif width=12 height=9.300mhz Bandwidth.dual spdt analog switches in ucsp