图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: 83C51FA 83C51FA Intel event-control chmos single-chip 8-bit MICROcontrolLER
Image: HSN-500 HSN-500 Maxwell Technologies Inc nuclear event detector
Image: ICM7249 ICM7249 Intersil Corporation 51/2 digit lcd, micro-power event/hour meter
Image: TP80C51FA TP80C51FA Intel event-control chmos single-chip 8-bit MICROcontrolLER
Image: AP80C51FA AP80C51FA Intel event-control chmos single-chip 8-bit MICROcontrolLER
Image: LTC4265IDE-TRPBF LTC4265IDE-TRPBF Linear Technology ieee 802.3at high power PD interface controller with 2-event classifi cation recognition
Image: TP83C51FA TP83C51FA Intel event-control chmos single-chip 8-bit MICROcontrolLER
Image: ISL1209_06 ISL1209_06 Intersil Corporation low power rtc with battery backed sram and event detection
Image: Si1145-M01 Si1145-M01 Silicon Laboratories Inc 传感器,变送器 光学传感器 the si1145/46/47-m01 is a low-power, reflectance-based, proximity, UV index and ambient light module with integrated single IR led, two additional led driver outputs, i2c digital interface, and programmable-event interrupt output.
Image: Si1133 Si1133 Silicon Laboratories Inc 传感器,变送器 光学传感器 the si1133 is a UV index sensor and ambient light sensor with i2c digital interface and programmable-event interrupt output
Image: Si1153 Si1153 Silicon Laboratories Inc 传感器,变送器 光学传感器 the si1153-aa00/aa09/aa9x is an ambient light sensor, proximity, and gesture detector with i2c digital interface and programmable-event interrupt output.
Image: EL20 EL20 TE Connectivity 传感器,变送器 力传感器 the el20-s458 seat belt load sensor provides a super low mass titanium structure to minimize F=MA errors during the crash event.
Image: SCH3223I-7U SCH3223I-7U Microchip Technology 集成电路 嵌入式 -  微控制器 - 应用特定 general features - 3.3 volt operation (sio block is 5 volt tolerant) - programmable wake-up event (pme) interface
Image: MEC1418-I/SZ MEC1418-I/SZ Microchip Technology 集成电路 嵌入式 -  微控制器 - 应用特定 supports optional signals: clkrun#, lpcpd#, serirq, smi#, ec_sci# (acpi pme event)
Image: SCH3227I-SZ SCH3227I-SZ Microchip Technology 集成电路 嵌入式 -  微控制器 - 应用特定 3.3 volt operation (sio block is 5 volt tolerant) - programmable wake-up event (pme) interface - pc99, pc2001 compliant
Image: CD74ACT280M96 CD74ACT280M96 Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC parity functions 9-bit odd/even
Image: CD74AC280M96 CD74AC280M96 Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC parity functions 9-bit odd/even
Image: CD74AC280M96G4 CD74AC280M96G4 Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC parity functions 9B odd/even parity gen/checker
Image: CD74HCT280E CD74HCT280E Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC parity functions HS 9-bit odd/even
Image: CD74HC280M96 CD74HC280M96 Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路 - IC parity functions 9-bit odd/even