图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: EN60950 EN60950 OSRAM GmbH planon lamp diagonal/colour code combinable ecg type(s)
Image: RX1700-2.5 RX1700-2.5 NTE Electronics ecg smoke detector tester
Image: EN55024 EN55024 OSRAM GmbH planon lamp diagonal/colour code combinable ecg type(s)
Image: EN55022 EN55022 OSRAM GmbH planon lamp diagonal/colour code combinable ecg type(s)
Image: 15Z868 15Z868 OSRAM GmbH planon lamp diagonal/colour code combinable ecg type(s)
Image: 21Z863 21Z863 OSRAM GmbH planon lamp diagonal/colour code combinable ecg type(s)
Image: RX500-12 RX500-12 NTE Electronics ecg cleaner/lubricant
Image: RX500-6 RX500-6 NTE Electronics ecg cleaner/lubricant
Image: ADS1292R ADS1292R Texas Instruments 半导体 2-channel, 24-bit analog-To-digital converter w/integrated respiration impedance and ecg front end 32-vqfn -40 to 85
Image: ADS1296R ADS1296R Texas Instruments 半导体 6-channel, 24-bit analog-To-digital converter w/integrated respiration impedance and ecg front end 64-nfbga -40 to 85
Image: ADS1192 ADS1192 Texas Instruments 半导体 complete low power integrated analog front end for ecg applications 32-vqfn -40 to 85
Image: ADS1294R ADS1294R Texas Instruments 半导体 4-channel, 24-bit analog-To-digital converter w/integrated respiration impedance and ecg front end 64-nfbga -40 to 85
Image: ADS1298 ADS1298 Texas Instruments 半导体 8-channel, 24-bit analog-To-digital converter with integrated ecg front end 64-tqfp -40 to 85
Image: ADS1298R ADS1298R Texas Instruments 半导体 8-channel, 24-bit analog-To-digital converter w/integrated respiration impedance and ecg front end 64-nfbga -40 to 85
Image: ADS1291 ADS1291 Texas Instruments 半导体 complete low power integrated analog front end for ecg applications 32-vqfn -40 to 85
Image: ADS1296 ADS1296 Texas Instruments 半导体 6-channel, 24-bit analog-To-digital converter with integrated ecg front end 64-nfbga 0 to 70
Image: ADS1294 ADS1294 Texas Instruments 半导体 4-channel, 24-bit analog-To-digital converter with integrated ecg front end 64-tqfp -40 to 85
Image: ADS1191 ADS1191 Texas Instruments 半导体 complete low power integrated analog front end for ecg applications 32-tqfp -40 to 85
Image: ADS1293 ADS1293 Texas Instruments 半导体 complete low power integrated analog front end for ecg applications 28-wqfn -20 to 85
Image:                AD8233 AD8233 Analog Devices Inc 传感器,变送器 放大器 优势和特点 产品详情 完全集成的单导联心电图 (ecg) 前端 低静态电源电流:50 μA(典型值) 在关断 (<1 μA 的电源电流) 情况下检测导联开/关状态 共模抑制比:80 dB(直流至 60 Hz) 2 种或 3 种电极配置 高信号增益 (G = 100) 以及隔直流功能 二极可调高通滤波器 接受高达 ±300 mV 的半电池电势 快速恢复功能可改善滤波器建立时间 通用运算放大器 具有可调增益的三极可调低通滤波器 具有关断功能的集成右腿驱动 (rld) 放大器 单电源供电:1.7 V 至 3.5 V 集成基准缓冲器产生虚地 轨至轨输出 内部 rfi 滤波器 8 kV 人体模型 (hbm) esd 额定值 关断引脚 2 mm × 1.7 mm wlcsp