图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: MPC5PGD MPC5PGD Bivar Inc 光电子 LED照明 led panel mount indicators 5mm P. grn dif lens mtl panel mnt ind.
Image: SLX-LX509F6UWW/A SLX-LX509F6UWW/A Lumex 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - through hole T-5mm led lamp ultra white dif lens 40deg
Image: WP424IDT WP424IDT Kingbright 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - through hole 3mm flat top red dif
Image: MV8190 MV8190 Everlight 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - through hole T-1 3/4 red dif 40dg
Image: TLHG5205 TLHG5205 Vishay Semiconductors 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - through hole green tinted non-dif 40-50mcd@10ma
Image: TLHG5201 TLHG5201 Vishay Semiconductors 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - through hole green tinted non-dif 25-40mcd@10ma
Image: TLVP4200 TLVP4200 Vishay Semiconductors 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - through hole green tinted non-dif 4.0-10mlm@15ma
Image: SSL-LX20333GD SSL-LX20333GD Lumex 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - through hole green diffuse, 565nm T-1.8mm stovepipe
Image: QTLP650D3TR QTLP650D3TR Everlight 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - smd 1206 smd led yel dif
Image: QTLP650D2TR QTLP650D2TR Everlight 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - smd 1206 smd led red dif
Image: QTLP650D4TR QTLP650D4TR Everlight 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - smd 1206 smd led grn dif
Image: SSL-LX2573SUGD SSL-LX2573SUGD Lumex 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - through hole grn dif rectangular
Image: TLVG4200 TLVG4200 Vishay Semiconductors 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - through hole green tinted non-dif 10-30mlm@15ma
Image: SSL-LX3353GD SSL-LX3353GD Lumex 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - through hole green, square led diffuse, 565nm, 3x3
Image: SSL-LX2573SYD SSL-LX2573SYD Lumex 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - through hole yel dif rectangular
Image: W13HD W13HD Kingbright 光电子 LED照明 standard leds - through hole 2mm flat top her dif
Image: EE-SPY401 EE-SPY401 Omron Automation and Safety 光电子 光学开关 optical switches, reflective, phototransistor output diffuse 5mm SD L-ON SS
Image: EE-SPY302 EE-SPY302 Omron Automation and Safety 光电子 光学开关 optical switches, reflective, phototransistor output diffuse pms pmod 5mm
Image: 4INCH-D-CGRADE-MV 4INCH-D-CGRADE-MV All Sensors Corporation 传感器,变送器 压力传感器 board mount pressure sensors 0-4" h2o dif 40mv 1% 16vdc supply
Image: E3ZM-CD87 E3ZM-CD87 Omron Automation and Safety 传感器,变送器 近程传感器 proximity sensors diffuse pnp M8 conn