图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: 7916740000 7916740000 Weidmuller 连接器 接线座 - Din 轨道,通道 wdk 4N/E atex
Image: 7916770000 7916770000 Weidmuller 连接器 接线座 - Din 轨道,通道 wdk 4N V/E atex
Image: OPI110 OPI110 Bedford Opto Technology Ltd. optically coupled isolators atex and iecex certified
Image: OPI1264 OPI1264 Bedford Opto Technology Ltd. optically coupled isolators atex &iecex certified
Image: OPI2000M OPI2000M Bedford Opto Technology Ltd. high speed opto isolator surface mount atex and iecex certified
Image: E3Z-D61K 2M E3Z-D61K 2M Omron Electronics 传感器,变送器 工业传感器 工业光电传感器 diffuse npn 100mm Co ated 2mcbl
Image: BXR4S BXR4S Honeywell / Microswitch 机电产品 开关 基本/快动/限制开关 hazardous location/ BX atex explos proof
Image: BXR3E BXR3E Honeywell / Microswitch 机电产品 开关 基本/快动/限制开关 hazardous location/ BX atex explos proof
Image: BXJ3E-7A BXJ3E-7A Honeywell / Microswitch 机电产品 开关 基本/快动/限制开关 hazardous location/ BX atex explos proof
Image: BXR4L BXR4L Honeywell / Microswitch 机电产品 开关 基本/快动/限制开关 hazardous location/ BX atex explos proof
Image: BX4D4L BX4D4L Honeywell / Microswitch 机电产品 开关 基本/快动/限制开关 hazardous location/ BX atex explos proof
Image: 2904788 2904788 Phoenix Contact 连接器 射频互连 barrier for antenna installation in Ex zone 1 and 2; 76 cm; type N (female) to rsma (male); atex approval
Image: 2702198 2702198 Phoenix Contact 无源元器件 天线 antenna barrier for installation in Ex zone 2, separates and transmits RF signals with intrinsic safety (Ex i) to an antenna in zone 0, 1 or 2, 0.7 ghz ... 6 ghz frequency range, N (female) -> N (female), atex/iecex approval