图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: PCD6001 PCD6001 Philips Semiconductors digital telephone answering machine chip
Image: PCD6001H PCD6001H Philips Semiconductors digital telephone answering machine chip
Image: PCD6001U PCD6001U Philips Semiconductors digital telephone answering machine chip
Image: AS2504 AS2504 austriamicrosystems AG cordless telephone, answering machine line interface
Image: PSB4860 PSB4860 Siemens Semiconductor Group digital answering machine with full duplex speakerphone sam EC
Image: LA2800N LA2800N Sanyo Semicon Device telephone answering machine
Image: LA2805 LA2805 Sanyo Semicon Device telephone answering machine use
Image: LA2805M LA2805M Sanyo Semicon Device telephone answering machine use
Image: LA2806M LA2806M Sanyo Semicon Device signal processor and power amplifier IC for telephone answering machines
Image: UBA1707T UBA1707T NXP Semiconductors cordless telephone, answering machine line interface
Image: UBA1707TS UBA1707TS NXP Semiconductors cordless telephone, answering machine line interface