图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: FMA1127DC-30S FMA1127DC-30S Spansion Inc 传感器,变送器 电容式触摸传感器,接近传感器 IC IC ctlr touch sensor 12ch 30ssop
Image: 11171 11171 Desco 电路保护 配件 stcky WH 18x36'' 30sht 8 per cas
Image: 11173 11173 Desco 电路保护 配件 stcky WH 24x36'' 30sht 8 per cas
Image: 11174 11174 Desco 电路保护 配件 stcky WH 26x45'' 30sht 8 per cas
Image: 11175 11175 Desco 电路保护 配件 stcky WH 36x45'' 30sht 8 per cas
Image: M80-7143001 M80-7143001 Harwin Inc 连接器 电源连接器 power to the board 30s+2P vert female conn with J/S
Image: M80-7133022 M80-7133022 Harwin Inc 连接器 电源连接器 power to the board 30s+2P male 90 deg conn
Image: M80-7123022 M80-7123022 Harwin Inc 连接器 电源连接器 power to the board 30s+2P vert male W/O J/S tin/lead
Image: M80-7123042 M80-7123042 Harwin Inc 连接器 电源连接器 power to the board 30s+2P vert male W/O J/S tin
Image: M80-7143005 M80-7143005 Harwin Inc 连接器 电源连接器 power to the board 30s+2P vert female conn with J/S
Image: M80-7113022 M80-7113022 Harwin Inc 连接器 电源连接器 power to the board 30s+2P male 90 deg conn with J/S
Image: M80-7103022 M80-7103022 Harwin Inc 连接器 电源连接器 power to the board 30s+2P vert male with J/S tin/lead
Image: M80-7103042 M80-7103042 Harwin Inc 连接器 电源连接器 power to the board 30s+2P vert male with J/S tin
Image: M80-7173001 M80-7173001 Harwin Inc 连接器 电源连接器 power to the board 30s+2P vert FM conn
Image: M80-7173005 M80-7173005 Harwin Inc 连接器 电源连接器 power to the board 30s+2P vert FM conn
Image: M80-7183005 M80-7183005 Harwin Inc 连接器 电源连接器 power to the board 30s+2P S/bore crimp conn
Image: M80-7193005 M80-7193005 Harwin Inc 连接器 电源连接器 power to the board 30s+2P L/bore crimp conn
Image: 1766308-1 1766308-1 TE Connectivity / AMP 连接器 卡缘连接器 standard card edge connectors 14p/30s socket T/H
Image: DP11SV3015A30S DP11SV3015A30S TE Connectivity / Citec 机电产品 编码器 encoders 15p 30det 30s m7*5mm vertical spindle
Image: DP11SV2020B30S DP11SV2020B30S TE Connectivity / Citec 机电产品 编码器 encoders 20p 20det 30s m7*7mm vertical spindle