ISOW7841 |
Texas Instruments |
isow784x high-performance, 5000-vrms reinforced quad-channel digital isolators with integrated high-efficiency, low-emissions DC-DC converter datasheet (rev. E) |
Texas Instruments |
isow784x high-performance, 5000-vrms reinforced quad-channel digital isolators with integrated high-efficiency, low-emissions DC-DC converter datasheet (rev. E) |
Texas Instruments |
isow784x high-performance, 5000-vrms reinforced quad-channel digital isolators with integrated high-efficiency, low-emissions DC-DC converter datasheet (rev. E) |
Texas Instruments |
isow784x high-performance, 5000-vrms reinforced quad-channel digital isolators with integrated high-efficiency, low-emissions DC-DC converter datasheet (rev. E) |
Texas Instruments |
isow784x high-performance, 5000-vrms reinforced quad-channel digital isolators with integrated high-efficiency, low-emissions DC-DC converter datasheet (rev. E) |
ISOW7841A-Q1 |
Texas Instruments |
isow7841a-Q1 automotive high-performance, 5000-vrms reinforced quad-channel digital isolator with integrated high-efficiency, low-emissions DC-DC converter datasheet |
Texas Instruments |
isow7841a-Q1 automotive high-performance, 5000-vrms reinforced quad-channel digital isolator with integrated high-efficiency, low-emissions DC-DC converter datasheet (rev. A) |
Texas Instruments |
isow7841a-Q1 automotive high-performance, 5000-vrms reinforced quad-channel digital isolator with integrated high-efficiency, low-emissions DC-DC converter datasheet (rev. A) |
Texas Instruments |
isow7841a-Q1 automotive high-performance, 5000-vrms reinforced quad-channel digital isolator with integrated high-efficiency, low-emissions DC-DC converter datasheet (rev. A) |
Texas Instruments |
isow7841a-Q1 automotive high-performance, 5000-vrms reinforced quad-channel digital isolator with integrated high-efficiency, low-emissions DC-DC converter datasheet (rev. A) |
ISOW7841A-Q1 |
Texas Instruments |
适合汽车应用 aec-Q100符合以下结果: 设备温度等级1:–40°C至125°C环境工作温度 100 mbps数据速率 坚固的隔离屏障: >工作电压为1 kvrms时的100年预期寿命 高达5000 vrms的隔离等级 高达10 kvpk浪涌能力 ±100 kV/µs最小cmti 片上变压器集成高效DC-DC变换器 3-V至5.5-V宽输入电源范围 调节5-V或3.3-V输出 输出功率高达0.65瓦 5伏至5伏;5伏至3.3伏:有效负载电流≥130毫安 3.3V~3.3V:有效负载电流≥75ma;3.3V~5V:有效负载电流≥40ma 软启动限制涌流 过载和短路保护 热关断 |