首页 > 器件厂商 > Integral Corp.
器件厂商Integral Corp.
图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: IN7406D IN7406D Integral Corp. hex inverter buffers/drivers with open-collector high-voltage outputs
Image: IW4027B IW4027B Integral Corp. dual JK flip-flop
Image: IW4027BD IW4027BD Integral Corp. dual JK flip-flop
Image: IW4027BN IW4027BN Integral Corp. dual JK flip-flop
Image: IW4028 IW4028 Integral Corp. bcd-to-decimal decoder high-voltage silicon-gate cmos
Image: IW4028B IW4028B Integral Corp. bcd-to-decimal decoder high-voltage silicon-gate cmos
Image: IW4028BD IW4028BD Integral Corp. bcd-to-decimal decoder high-voltage silicon-gate cmos
Image: IW4028BN IW4028BN Integral Corp. bcd-to-decimal decoder high-voltage silicon-gate cmos
Image: IW4029 IW4029 Integral Corp. presettable Up/down counter high-voltage silicon-gate cmos
Image: IW4029B IW4029B Integral Corp. presettable Up/down counter high-voltage silicon-gate cmos
Image: IW4029BD IW4029BD Integral Corp. presettable Up/down counter high-voltage silicon-gate cmos
Image: IW4029BN IW4029BN Integral Corp. presettable Up/down counter high-voltage silicon-gate cmos
Image: IW4030B IW4030B Integral Corp. quad exclusive-OR gate
Image: IW4030BD IW4030BD Integral Corp. quad exclusive-OR gate
Image: IW4030BN IW4030BN Integral Corp. quad exclusive-OR gate
Image: IW4034B IW4034B Integral Corp. 8-stage static bidirectional parallel/ serial input/output bus register
Image: IN7406N IN7406N Integral Corp. hex inverter buffers/drivers with open-collector high-voltage outputs
Image: IN74HC125A IN74HC125A Integral Corp. quad 3-state noninverting buffers high-performance silicon-gate cmos
Image: IN74HC125AD IN74HC125AD Integral Corp. quad 3-state noninverting buffers high-performance silicon-gate cmos
Image: IN74HC125AN IN74HC125AN Integral Corp. quad 3-state noninverting buffers high-performance silicon-gate cmos
