首页 > 器件厂商 > Communications & Power Industries, Inc.
器件厂商Communications & Power Industries, Inc.
图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: 3CX20-000A3 3CX20-000A3 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. grid driven RF amplifier
Image: 3CX20-000A7 3CX20-000A7 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. grid driven RF amplifier at 110 mhz
Image: 3CX20-000H3 3CX20-000H3 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. RF industrial oscillator or amplifier
Image: 3CX2500A3 3CX2500A3 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. RF industrial oscillator
Image: 3CX2500D3 3CX2500D3 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. RF industrial oscillator or amplifier
Image: 3CX2500F3 3CX2500F3 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. RF industrial oscillator
Image: 3CX400A7 3CX400A7 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. cathode driven RF linear amplifier
Image: 3CX800A7 3CX800A7 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. cathode driven RF linear amplifier pulse modulator or regulator
Image: 3CPX1500A7 3CPX1500A7 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. the 3cpx1500a7 is a rugged high-mu power
Image: 3CPX5000A7 3CPX5000A7 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. the 3cpx5000a7 high-mu triode
Image: 3CPX800A7 3CPX800A7 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. the 3cpx800a7 is a compact high-mu power
Image: 3CW10000H3 3CW10000H3 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. the 3cw10,000h3 is a water cooled, ceramic/metal, medium-mu power triode
Image: 3CW20000A3 3CW20000A3 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. the 3cw20,000a3 is a medium-mu power triode
Image: 3CW20000A7 3CW20000A7 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. the 3cw20,000a7 is a high-mu power triode
Image: 3CW20000H3 3CW20000H3 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. the 3cw20,000h3 is a water cooled, ceramic/ metal, medium-mu power triode
Image: 3CW20000H7 3CW20000H7 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. the 3cw20,000h7 is a high-mu power triode
Image: 3CW30000H3 3CW30000H3 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. the 3cw30,000h3 is a water cooled, ceramic/ metal, medium-mu power triode
Image: 3CW30000H7 3CW30000H7 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. the 3cw30,000h7 is a high-mu power triode
Image: 3CW40000A5 3CW40000A5 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. the 3cw40,000a5 is a medium-mu power triode
Image: 3CW40000A7 3CW40000A7 Communications & Power Industries, Inc. the eimac 3cw40,000a7 is a ceramic/metal power triode
