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6483 Series:
Product Photos:
Standard Package : 2
Category: Test and Measurement
Family: Test Leads - Banana, Meter Interface
Series: 6483
Type: Patch Cord
Configuration: Banana to Alligator
1st Connector: Banana Plug, Single, Sheathed, Right Angle
2nd Connector: Alligator Clip, Insulated, 5 Way
Cable Length: 48.0" (1219.20mm)
Contents: 1 Lead, Red
Material - Insulation: Silicone
Stacking Method: Non Stackable
Wire Gauge: 18 AWG
Voltage - Rated: 300VAC
Current Rating: 8A
Ratings: -
Kits: 501-1170-ND - TEST LEAD RA BANANA PLUG RA 48"